Yokai Art Museum

- Store name
Yokai Art Museum
- Shop appeal
More than 800 figures and painting on the theme of "yokai" (monster) are exhibited in four museums housed in old buildings, including a Meiji-era kimono storehouse, a former soy sauce storehouse, a former letterpress printing house, and the mansion of a former village mayor. Visitors can enjoy this hands-on museum while listening to an audio guide.
- Street address
398 Ko, Tonosho Town, Shozugun
- Phone number
- Business hours
9:00-22:00(Reception closes at 21:00)
- Holiday
Wednesdays (open on national holidays)
- Method of payment
「Museum admission: Adults 400 discount, Junior high and high school students 200 discount」I used a coupon.
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「美術館入館料 大人400円割引・中高生200円割引」クーポンを使用します。