Toyohama Service Area(inbound lane)

- Store name
Toyohama Service Area Inbound Route
- Shop appeal
Our restaurant offers a view of the islands of the Seto Inland Sea and serves dishes made with meat, seafood, and Sanuki udon noodles.
In the snack corner, there is a self-service udon corner, which is rare in service areas.
You can experience Kagawa Prefecture to the max.
At dusk, the sunset from the observatory on the Toyohama Service Area Inbound Route is truly spectacular.
- Street address
2180-1 Uminoura-ko, Toyohamacho, Kan-onji City
- Phone number
- Business hours
Restaurant: 11:00-21:00
Food court: 24 hours a day
Shopping corner: 24 hours a day
- Holiday
Open every day
- Method of payment
「¥50 discount on Takasecha soft-serve ice cream with Sanuki wasanbon (※available from 9:00 to 17:00)」I used a coupon.
If you are a store staff please tap here and provide the service.
「讃岐和三盆入 高瀬茶ソフト50円引き(※利用可能時間9:00~17:00)」クーポンを使用します。